Tampa/Rocky Point Hotel Deals and Specials
Elevate your Tampa/Rocky Point getaway with exclusive specials and last-minute deals at Chase Suite Hotel. Enjoy a waterfront stay in apartment-style accommodations at a discounted rate when you reserve one of our vacation packages.
Stay 2 Nights or Longer and Save!
Stay 2 nights or longer and save 20%. This offer includes daily complimentary hot breakfast, WiFi, and Parking.
- What last-minute hotel deals does Chase Hotel Suites Tampa offer? Our hotel offers exclusive hotel offers for incredible savings with our last-minute deals designed for leisure and business travelers. Enjoy discounted rates on our spacious suites, perfect for a Tampa/ Rocky point getaway.
- How can I get the best vacation deals at Chase Hotel Suites Tampa? Make the most of your Tampa/ Rocky Point vacation with our exclusive deals and get the best rates online. Contact us to start planning your stay.
Why Book Direct?
Start planning your Tampa Getaway
- Complimentary Hot Breakfast
- Free Parking
- Swimming Pool
- Free Shuttle Service
- Business Center